
May 3, 2011

Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat

The best way to burn belly fat is a shock to most men and women. Even most personal trainers usually guess, "Crunches", "Sit-ups" or "Aerobic Cardio" as the best way to lose stomach fat. But none of those work best, or even work at all!
So, what is the best way to burn fat and lose my belly? Do aerobics work better than interval training? Does resistance training help at all? What should I eat to lose stomach fat? All of those are common questions…
And now here is the truth. Cardio is not the best way to burn fat. In fact, I have met very few people who have successfully used cardio to lose stomach fat. And most of those people were young men, and anything works for them when they want to burn fat.
If you want to lose stomach fat fast, you need to increase the intensity of your workout by using both resistance training and interval training to lose stomach fat.
While bodybuilders and young people without any cares in the world can spend an hour a day on cardio - and sometimes get results, men and women who only have 45 minutes, 3 times per week for exercise just can't depend on slow cardio workouts to burn belly fat.
Let's take a look at the perfect workout plan to get you maximum fat burning results in minimum workout time.
Here are the keys!
First, start with a circuit of bodyweight exercises to prepare your body for a fat burning workout. This should only take 5 minutes.
Follow that up with supersets of resistance training using multi-muscle exercises for maximum metabolism boosting. This works so much for post-exercise calorie burning than slow cardio workouts. That will lead to more belly fat burning as well.
After 15 minutes of resistance training, finish with 15-20 minutes of interval training. Use a warm-up, then do a few intervals, and then cool-down. You do not need a lot of intervals to get great fat burning results.
With that workout schedule, you'll be in and out of the gym in 45 minutes, three times per week.
Compare that to what most people do, which is run, jog and cycle, or use the cardio machines for 45 minutes straight. Sure, that will burn calories, but it does not build a better body.
Men and women love the fast fat burning results they get from short burst exercise sessions.
Your body was not meant to run marathons. Instead, it was meant to perform quick bursts of exercise, and that is why resistance training and interval training sculpt a better body than long, slow cardio.
The best way to lose stomach fat is to use the following three exercise methods:
            1. Bodyweight circuit training to warm-up the body;
2. Resistance training supersets to boost the metabolism;
3. Interval training to burn belly fat.
Put those three, short exercise methods together into one great belly fat burning workout if you want to lose stomach fat fast!
So, if you want to burn more belly fat and get a Six Pack fast, then you should take a close look at  Craig Ballantyne's Six Pack Abs Workouts.

Don't forget to subscribe and download the Craig Ballantyne FREE “4-Week Turbulence Training Program”.