
April 21, 2011

My Review of Craig Ballantyne's "Turbulence Training" - The Best 40 minutes Fat Loss and Body Remodeling Workout for Busy Men and Women

I am the type of person who gives it to you straight, so let me tell you what’s it all about.
If  you are expecting a typical e-book, which starts with a long-winded introduction, and containing senseless information, that is not what you should expect from Craig Ballantyne's "Turbulence Training" at all.
You will not find any of those cheesy pictures of buff models, you will see only the photos of real people who transformed their bodies due to this training routine.
It doesn’t meter if you are a beginner, experienced or an advanced fitness practitioner, Craig Ballantyne does the greatest job ever giving us the best training routines for each category.
So, if you are an overweight, sedentary beginner who haven't been doing any exercise, like I was one year ago, “Turbulence Training” is the answer to your problems.
The beginner program helped me prevent the injuries overweight people usually get when they start a high-volume cardio program. It also prepared my muscles for all future workouts.

The key principle which makes Craig Ballantyne's "Turbulence Training" work is interval training. This fitness program is an efficient 24-week workout routine, which can be used over and over again.
We will do the same set of exercises for four weeks and after that period, the workouts will change accordingly. This variety is needed to keep on boosting our metabolism, burning fat month after month and keep making gains in strength and fitness at the same time. And, don’t worry, there are a lot of workouts to choose from.
You should train three days per week and each session is about 50 minutes or so. All exercises are designed as short bursts of workout that are intense as they can be so your body will burn fat even while you are inactive. 
This is because strength training is the other core of the e-book.  Aside from helping us shed off those excess pounds through short and intense exercises, our muscle strength will be given a boost so we can have the best body type that you can have.
Therefore, there is no need for excessive cardio exercises. Thank God! Because when you are overweight, the last things you want to do are running or do extreme cardio. Do not get me wrong, moderate jogging is good for everybody.  But do it with an extra 50 pounds pressing against your chest and legs. I am confident you understand now why I quitted every single training routine in the past.

A key note to remember is that during the most intense of workouts, you should change your diet accordingly to get the most number of benefits possible. And we are fortunate, because what sets Craig Ballantyne apart from the rest of the guys posing as successful exercise e-book authors is that he is also a nutritionist.
There is an entire chapter in the "Turbulence Training" e-book, which is dedicated to teaching you how to eat right. 
But this is not a restrictive or fad diet at all.  Instead, the program is committed to helping you lose the fat, get you in better shape and help you have the best body type that you have ever had in years.
Keeping close watch of the food that you are eating while undergoing a serious exercise program is the key to being the healthiest that you can be.  Eat six small meals throughout the day instead of having the traditional breakfast, lunch or dinner.  Make sure to plan those six healthy meals the night before. 
If you need to, keep a food journal and write down everything that you eat so that you can keep a close watch of your caloric intake. I am keeping it and it helps me a lot.

Another important thing to say is this training program is not only a research-proven and useful in boosting your muscle growth fitness routine, it is also time efficient and money saving.
Is pretty much suited for everyone: both men and women, and it can all be done right in the comfort of our own home, without paying an expensive gym where everybody is checking out “the new fat guy” or a gym trainer who charges 100 bucks an hour. 
You might need to invest in a few barbells and an exercise ball, especially if you are a guy. But every single investment is well worth it.

So what is my final verdict?
After using this program for more then a year, I found only one or two drawbacks.
The first drawback is that we have an entire chapter dedicated to the topic of eating right, but the author did not go into the more intricate details of the diet that should be included with the exercise program. Nevertheless, the training itself more than makes up for the lack of details about the diet. I lost from 4 to 6 pounds of body fat each month.
Obviously, I was not able to sustain the same rate of fat burning in the last 3 months. This is only because there isn’t too much fat left… Lucky me!
However, there is good news. The author decided that we should all benefit of the complete nutrition guide, so he included it his offer, together with four other bonuses.
            It is a very good thing, not only for the advanced fitness practitioners, but also for everyone interested in saving a considerable amount of money.
The last drawback is that after over 13 month of "Turbulence Training", I am still getting bald…So do not buy this if you think your hair will grow back!
However, if all you want is to improve dramatically your health, lose fat and gain lean muscle at the same time, perform and look better and be in the best shape of your life, THIS is the right fitness program for you. 
So, if you decide to buy one e-book this year, make it this one. It was definitely money well spent for me.

I hope you find this review useful and get some value out of it.
Start the “Turbulence Training” today. Be strong!

   To your best year ever,

   Edward Platz
   Full-Time Dream Achiever